My Adventures

My Adventures

Friday, December 7, 2007

Elifin Around for the holidays...

Everyone have a great Christmas and remember your are loved by me!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Ladies U Rock

Stephy I am glad you enjoyed my blog. Sometimes I just feel like writting so visit me soon and often.

** Becky your too funny.

Love ya my friends!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Oh rebecca...

The photo with my nose exposed is not approprate for viewers. Silly girl!

Becky here again...just sharing why I love Mo so!

Jamie, Monica and Laurie

Monica and friends at Becky's birthday party!

My friend MO

Ok. So I am so excited about my friend having a new blog! I can't wait to help her start her exciting scrapbook! Stephanie, Roni and I will be your SCRAPMOTHERS~ :-)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Lonely no more, The Lord is with me.

Have you ever felt empty, so empty you really don’t know what to do, who to talk to, what is wrong. I know that my life is not been the best however I try each day to make things better. I have try to remember that my children’s lives are for me to guide and direct not to control. Parents seem to forget this and I think that is probably why I have so much gray hair in my young ripe age of 35. I do know that I am not the best example of a mother nor am I the best example of a life companion. As a matter a fact, I am not the best example of a perfect person. Not even close. I also know that I try every single day to be better than I was yesterday.

Learning to love GOD, having him be a constant in my life is so critical. I need and feed off of my Christian family. I feel good and I feel like even in my most miserable moments I can be free of all my worries and we all have worries, conflict and dreams.

I am nearing a turning point in my life. A life changing passage that only I can overcome. I don’t know what it is! I don’t know why, I just know it’s coming. I am mentally prepared yet my heart isn’t. The single most important thing I know for surel is that I will have my LORD right next to me. I hope that you can recognize when he is with you.

I dream of a life filled of joy and progress. I am grateful for ALL of the blessing the Lord has granted me. I am grateful for all the Lord has provided me.


So with this thought I will end today’s entry, The Lord has a very special plan for all of us and even in those moments of despair and confusion you can ALWAYS count on him (GOD) being there for you, me, US.

Love you friend,

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Oh yes and by the way chicas....

I cut my hair. I guess we will have to have a GNO for you to see how much. LOL

For all my friends to see...

I hope you enjoy my pictures. Yes Becky I may even put this in a scrap book! You can teach me. Love you chicas y some chicos and of course especially la familia!


Saturday, August 4, 2007

Church and Guatemala

How did I get here? I sometimes stop and think to myself, "How did I get here?" It may be a silly question however spiritually it makes sense. I decided one day that I was going to find me a church. Not knowing the area very well I went to several churches and they all felt differently. Like a dress that you try on at the store. You know it's right but it just doesn't feel right. It is beautiful but it just doesn't make you feel beautiful! Then I was shoved right into a church I would have never even looked at. Why? Well because it's not anywhere near my town or even in my county. So long story short I travel to another county for church every Sunday. I truly believe that GOD lead me there and I need to be there. Let me explain. I was asked to take part in a Health Fair at a Church. I said,” Well if I have time I will be there." This was not a commitment to anyone just myself. I was replying to a message left on my voice mail at work. I don't think I ever even called them back. The fair was on a Saturday and on Friday I worked very late. So Saturday morning I made every excuse not to go to this health fair. As I got up I began to feel this incredible feeling of duty to go to that church. It would take me at least forty five minutes to get there and I really did not want to go. But the more I procrastinated the stronger the feeling. So as if a child being forced to eat her vegetables I got dressed and left the house. As I drove my car I questioned why I was even going. I thought, what is wrong with me? Why am I doing this? With no explanation I continued and got to the Church. I arrived a little late (what a shocker!). I was lead to my table where I placed all of my brochures and then something amazing happened. The pastor ran into me and stopped right in his tracks. Then said, "Officer Rodriguez? I have been looking for you for over a week." Of course I thought well okay here I am sir. I greeted him and he introduced himself and we started talking. Well , I was then invited to come back Sunday morning for the morning service and I thought," I am looking for a church" so I said, "okay." and I brought the kids. That Sunday the boys loved the youth service and we became members. But that's not all, I started hearing about our church in Guatemala. I saw pictures and heard stories of others that had made the trip to Guatemala. I heard about the orphanage and the indigenous and the city and the excitement! I then decided and stated, "I want to go there!" So I did.