My Adventures

My Adventures

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Oh yes and by the way chicas....

I cut my hair. I guess we will have to have a GNO for you to see how much. LOL

For all my friends to see...

I hope you enjoy my pictures. Yes Becky I may even put this in a scrap book! You can teach me. Love you chicas y some chicos and of course especially la familia!


Saturday, August 4, 2007

Church and Guatemala

How did I get here? I sometimes stop and think to myself, "How did I get here?" It may be a silly question however spiritually it makes sense. I decided one day that I was going to find me a church. Not knowing the area very well I went to several churches and they all felt differently. Like a dress that you try on at the store. You know it's right but it just doesn't feel right. It is beautiful but it just doesn't make you feel beautiful! Then I was shoved right into a church I would have never even looked at. Why? Well because it's not anywhere near my town or even in my county. So long story short I travel to another county for church every Sunday. I truly believe that GOD lead me there and I need to be there. Let me explain. I was asked to take part in a Health Fair at a Church. I said,” Well if I have time I will be there." This was not a commitment to anyone just myself. I was replying to a message left on my voice mail at work. I don't think I ever even called them back. The fair was on a Saturday and on Friday I worked very late. So Saturday morning I made every excuse not to go to this health fair. As I got up I began to feel this incredible feeling of duty to go to that church. It would take me at least forty five minutes to get there and I really did not want to go. But the more I procrastinated the stronger the feeling. So as if a child being forced to eat her vegetables I got dressed and left the house. As I drove my car I questioned why I was even going. I thought, what is wrong with me? Why am I doing this? With no explanation I continued and got to the Church. I arrived a little late (what a shocker!). I was lead to my table where I placed all of my brochures and then something amazing happened. The pastor ran into me and stopped right in his tracks. Then said, "Officer Rodriguez? I have been looking for you for over a week." Of course I thought well okay here I am sir. I greeted him and he introduced himself and we started talking. Well , I was then invited to come back Sunday morning for the morning service and I thought," I am looking for a church" so I said, "okay." and I brought the kids. That Sunday the boys loved the youth service and we became members. But that's not all, I started hearing about our church in Guatemala. I saw pictures and heard stories of others that had made the trip to Guatemala. I heard about the orphanage and the indigenous and the city and the excitement! I then decided and stated, "I want to go there!" So I did.