My Adventures

My Adventures

Friday, October 26, 2007

Lonely no more, The Lord is with me.

Have you ever felt empty, so empty you really don’t know what to do, who to talk to, what is wrong. I know that my life is not been the best however I try each day to make things better. I have try to remember that my children’s lives are for me to guide and direct not to control. Parents seem to forget this and I think that is probably why I have so much gray hair in my young ripe age of 35. I do know that I am not the best example of a mother nor am I the best example of a life companion. As a matter a fact, I am not the best example of a perfect person. Not even close. I also know that I try every single day to be better than I was yesterday.

Learning to love GOD, having him be a constant in my life is so critical. I need and feed off of my Christian family. I feel good and I feel like even in my most miserable moments I can be free of all my worries and we all have worries, conflict and dreams.

I am nearing a turning point in my life. A life changing passage that only I can overcome. I don’t know what it is! I don’t know why, I just know it’s coming. I am mentally prepared yet my heart isn’t. The single most important thing I know for surel is that I will have my LORD right next to me. I hope that you can recognize when he is with you.

I dream of a life filled of joy and progress. I am grateful for ALL of the blessing the Lord has granted me. I am grateful for all the Lord has provided me.


So with this thought I will end today’s entry, The Lord has a very special plan for all of us and even in those moments of despair and confusion you can ALWAYS count on him (GOD) being there for you, me, US.

Love you friend,


rebecca lucille said...

To me your are the BEST example of a friend... no doubt. We all have our shortcomings...Lord knows I have soooo many...but with true friends, that is overlooked. I, too, am at a turning point in my life... and I have no idea what direction I'll be going... but I do know one thing...with friends such as you, Roni, Stephie, Laurie and Shawna I will never face those challanges alone. I know also that I will never face any perils alone with God in my life. Yes.. I DO pray... yes I DO believe... and tho that may come as a shock to many that know me... it is true. I have gone through too much NOT to believe.
I'm so excited that you posted your pictures! I want to scrap them with you!

Stephanie said...

OMG! Monica, your blog for Oct. 26th was beautiful! God is so good to us and we just need to praise Him constantly for His graciousness! We need to look for the Lord when at all times especially in those times of need. I am so happy that you have your faith in the Lord that He will see you through the times. I pray everyday for our loved ones...our friends...that they find the Lord and place all their burdens on Him because He will see them through....I love ya!
Oh. P.S.....this is my first comment on a blog! Don't tell Becky! j/k!

rebecca lucille said...

HA! You've been caught!

Anonymous said...

Good post.